About Us
Wally Drangmeister, President of Path Three Marketing, is dedicated to helping organizations succeed by clearly defining their strategy and then implementing marketing, communications and outreach systems that produce results. By implementing systems, Path Three Marketing helps its clients to stand out with their customers, prospects, and stakeholders even in the face of larger competitors.
Wally has worked with local businesses, technology start-ups, energy companies, public utilities, schools, and business trade associations. His communications, marketing, and technology skills are supplemented by his financial background including his status as a long recovering CPA from early in his career.
While reading Shawn Achor’s best selling book The Happiness Advantage, I was struck by a passage where Shawn was exploring the concept of “falling up,” that is using negative experiences as a foundation for improvement and growth:
“…after crisis or adversity, there are three mental paths. One that keeps circling around where you currently are ( i.e., the negative event creates no change and you end where you start). Another mental path leads you toward further negative consequences (i.e. you are far worse off after the negative event; this path is why we are afraid of conflict and challenge). And one, which I call the Third Path, that leads us from failure or setback to a place where we are even stronger and more capable than before the fall.”
I wondered whether the URL, PathThree.com was available and sure enough it was. I quickly added the URL to my extensive inventory, and later named my legal entity Path Three LLC. When it was time for this business to be born, it became Path Three Marketing, to remind us that challenges or even failures can be used a foundation for improvement and success.
Thanks so much, Shawn, for the great book and for the inspiration.
-Wally Drangmeister